Friday 27 September 2019

Family, Friends and Food

We started this latest trip by enjoying family time in Philadelphia visiting with cousins Barbara and
Bob. While Jerry and Bob did a construction project
Barbara and Anna Lee discussed memories of family, the condition of current politics and books. 

Dudley, the family dog, joined in posing for the picture.

The area where we live is rife with chain restaurants so it was a pleasure to enjoy quality ethnic food.  Bob and Barbara introduced us to their Greek restaurant

than it was Knishes for dinner where Barbara and Anna Lee shared stuffed cabbage.

Bob competed with the “pro’s” by making a wonderful salmon and haddock accompanied by savory mushroom patties.

The next day we met with friends Don and Barbara in Moorestown, NJ for a luscious Greek lunch.  Of course the food was again flavored with conversation.

Then we drove north to Troy, NY.  Our son Jeff took us to a Moroccan restaurant for a brand new taste treat.

Our trip has started off quite “flavorably.”