Monday 18 April 2011


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Our personal guards showed up to patrol the grounds while we spend the next three months exploring more of this amazing country.
We started by traveling to Las Vegas with friends Ellen and Mark who have left their own coach there at the end of their cross country trip.

Some people questioned our choice of Las Vegas as a start of a tour of the southern states. It wasn’t the call of the casinos but the gathering of CHAI that brought us here. CHAI is a group of Jewish motor home owners and 25 of the members are gathering in Las Vegas for a Passover Seder, a ceremonious and traditional meal celebrating the Jewish exodus from bondage in Egypt. We all met in the social hall of the campground for introductions and to reconnect. Then, to bridge the change of foods for Passover (no eating of leavened products such as bread), we joined for our last chometz (leavened) dinner at a pizza parlor.

With other people responsible for the Seder this evening, we spent the morning with Cheryl and David (no, not that C and D who are in DC but another young couple whose parents lead the CHAI group).
We drove up to Red Rocks Canyon where the weather was comfortable and the crowds absent. The park’s name is no understatement. The colors are beautiful.

We hiked enjoying the last of the spring flowers and the various marking on the stones.

Does anyone know what caused the “freckles” on this boulder?

1 comment:

  1. Dave and I are jealous. Are you going to make hamantaschen for this Cheryl and Dave too?
