Thursday 1 June 2017

Leaving DC for a While

Our Memorial Day weekend plans were altered by the weather.  We did find time for some fun and some chores.
Bennett used his birthday lightsabers to challenge Zadie.
Then they sat down to enjoy a good book.
Bennett played with more birthday toys, Hot Wheels (a favorite of children for decades).
A friend called and invited Cheryl and Bennett to go swimming.
While out doing errands with us, Bennett enjoyed the local playground.
He headed out with another birthday lightsaber to do battle.
Cheryl and Dave host a grill night once a month during the summer and we were delighted to join them for the first one of the year.  We met and remet many of their neighbors and friends.  It is a wonderful and casual potluck topped off with desserts ala Cheryl, cheesecake and bread pudding.

The evening ended with the traditional story reading by Bubbie.  This lovely book, "Long Johns for a Small Chicken" was written by a friend of a friend back home.  Bennett liked it enough to read it twice in a row!
Tuesday we said our farewells and returned to Denver where the RV awaited.  The next day we again met with some of Anna Lee’s cousins, this time Joann, Neil and Carol.  We had a too short lunch catching up on each others’ lives.  Being with several family members during this trip has been a true highlight.  We look forward to getting together again later in the year.
Our RV is near Bennett, CO whose high school mascot is the Tiger (just like Bennett’s birthday face painting. 

1 comment:

  1. Jerry, Thanks for sharing! It's especially fun to see how well my dear nephew is doing with his light saber and Hot Wheels! Joe P.
