Monday 8 April 2019

Iguazu Falls, Argentina

So many friends have told us how beautiful these falls are.  Well they were wrong, they are even more spectacular than we expected.  Our private guide for two of the trails informed us that the water streams along reaching the deep volcanic cataract where it tumbles down at rate of million meters per second.  There are 70 species of fish, 50 mammals and 800 butterflies.

We have hiked all four of the trails.  We started on our own with the Green Falls.

We encountered the resident coati who have trained humans to drop food for them, not a good idea.
The next day we had a private guide giving us information as we hiked two other trails.  First we took an unusual train up to the Devil’s Throat, a fantastic group of waterfalls.

The guide identified for us

Uracus bird
and purple morning glory.

At the Two Sister Falls we also saw this Golden Spider which weaves the largest web of all spiders.

In the afternoon we rode a boat through the falls.  Anna Lee did not enjoy being pelted by hard drops of water and being soaked, so Jerry will describe this experience.  

Anna Lee does not appreciate a true thrill ride.  We descended 250 steps from the road to the river where we were given rubber bags for our valuables including cameras and anything else we did not want to get soaked.  Then we put a life vest and got on to the boat with about 100 of our closest friends. 

This is a photo that I Jerry took from above of another boat approaching the falls.  You can see where our ride went.
We then rode to the San Martin waterfall. 

The skipper stopped to allow us to take pictures then we were told to put our cameras into the bags and we proceeded to take several showers courtesy of the second largest waterfall in the park.  It was great but, two days later, our clothes still have not dried.  Well worth the experience.  The problem was that, soaking wet, we had to climb the same 250 steps to get to the van to take us back to our hotel.

We recovered with a wonderful dinner at our hotel.  Rooms look out to the waterfalls or into the jungle.  We are on the jungle side.

These are more photos of the various falls

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