Monday 20 June 2011

The Party’s Over

We ended our caravan at the RC Cola/Moonpie Festival in Bell Buckle, TN.

To get us in the mood for the festival, we were honored to have a poetry reading by Tennessee’s Poet Laureate Maggie Vaughn.

She lives in Bell Buckle and her door is open to all. In describing her writing she said, “Country music gave me my voice.” Returning the favor, she wrote songs for such greats as Loretta Lynn. She earned a Mark Twain Fellowship and enjoyed sitting on his porch in Elmira, NY having a “conversation” with him.

Proud of her simple voice, her poems are delightful and thoughtful. We found a bit of ourselves in her poetry and have copies of her work to share with any of you who would like to read them.

The RC Cola/Moonpie Festival was right outside our door.

We wandered around the small town peeking in shops. We watched the end of the ten-mile race. Then we settled into our folding canvass chairs and watched the parade with the king and queen, Mrs. Tennessee, Mrs. America (from TN), moonpie children, antique cars and veterans including one who is an escaped POW from WWII.

We proudly waved at members of our own caravan who rode in the parade as honored vets.

Booths were filled with local food products, hand crafts and several lunch choices. The chuck wagon caught the eye of some of us. Happy (He) and Grumpy (She) serve hot dogs, chicken, chicken pot pie and stew along with their great corn bread.

Rolling thunder and pelting rain drove us to shelter in the afternoon but did not dampen our mood to celebrate the end of a great caravan. Our grand finale dinner was wonderful as has become the standard of this trip. George conducted an excellent auction selling off fans and left over liquid refreshments with bid raises of a quarter and fifty cents.

Art and Ellen had five “F” goals for our caravan, “Fantastic Food, Fabulous Fun and Friendship.” We all agree that these goals were surpassed. Farewells were more “‘til we meet again” than “good-bye” as we hugged and kissed, no longer acquaintances and strangers, but now good friends who share great memories of a trip well done. We all toast the tremendous effort Ellen and Art and Maxine and George put into providing so much fun for all of us.

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